Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Open letter to JZ about Eugene de Kock

To the President of South Africa, President Zuma

Your Excellency
Re: Prisoner No 94616105 Eugene de Kock

The above prisoner was granted parole by your Minister of Justice and Correctional Services at the end of January 2015 at a media conference.
The prisoner is being held by unknown agents of the state against his will.  He is unable to make contact with family or friends and in an order of the court has only just been given right of access to his lawyer.
While your Minister of Justice and Correctional Services continually repeats that he is on parole, this is clearly nonsense – surely the Minister knows where the prisoner is?  And if he doesn’t, then you must know.
Our Constitution allows for rights of a prisoner.  It is his right to be on parole once he is given it and holding him now against his will is a violation of the rights of the prisoner.  Being held against his will by agents unknown is also a human rights violation, and could be a result of abduction or kidnapping which is clearly a criminal offence.
Please show us, your people, we South Africans…an interview with Eugene de Kock and you, on television that is not pre-recorded, so that we know that he is alive, well, happy, and is not being held against his will.
Yours truly
Dianne Lang

We are all equal before the law