Tuesday, April 21, 2015


 “Tell no man”  (A secret) is a very hard task, because my mind is so full of talking thought. I call it mental diarrhoea. My mind wants to tell everything it hears; knows or even suspects. 
But the moment that I talk about my idea, my desire, it begins to lose power – just as the engine loses steam the moment when the valve is opened. Whatever I hold in secrecy within me gains momentum. It builds, creates and manifests itself in my silence. By keeping my silence, I am protecting my idea or desire from the curious unbelieving thought of others. 
Tell it only to the enlightened ones, those who have risen from the dead. Tell the enlightened ones, but keep those who are still in a dream on a need-to-know basis. Nothing more. Every time I tell my secret I am depriving myself of the manifestation of my desire. I will have to go and prepare the ground and plant the seed again. I will continue preparing the soil and planting the seed time and again, until I learn to shut my mouth...allowing the power within me to magnify and manifest that which I desire.